Release notes April 2021 NL

[21.07 / 21.08]

Subject Description Version
Country in to be invoiced and invoiced In the module invoicing, the country of the (invoicing) customer can be show as a column in to be invoiced and invoiced. 21.07
Origin per dutygroup row The origin of an orderrow can affect the duty, this can affect the customer calculation. We can define rules per origin. 21.08
Don't generate production orders with different UPP When you generate a production orders from more sources, so more customer orderrows, you don't want to generate them when the sources have a different UPP, because that will set the production order to an unknown UPP. So the system will give a warning before you can continue. 21.08
Tradearticle ID in properties lot The tradearticle ID can be shown in the properties of a lot. 21.08
Layerlabels / Trolleylabels from compound boxrows Layerlabels / Trolleylabels from compound boxrows. 21.08
Subject Version


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